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Kiss-A-Frog Dating Service

Source: Biology Corner(Link)

Objective: You have been hired as a consultant to the "Kiss-a-Frog Dating Service". Your job is to increase interest in frog (and toad) populations and showcase several eligible amphibian bachelors in a portfolio.

The Portfolio should include:

An overview of amphibians with a general descriptions of their advantages and way of life

Six Bios of eligible frog (or toad) bachelors. Each bio should be a different species of frog or toad. The bios should have information about:

The frog's size and coloration
Its preferred habitat
It's lifestyle (what it eats, where it hangs, how it lives..etc)
Anything special that could be attractive to a mate
A picture or sketch of the frog (toad) - you may print out pictures and paste them to your portfolio pages

*Use Word or Publisher to create the ads










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